Dust off That Medicare Set-Aside Evaluation-Oxycodone and Lyrica Prices Have Dropped

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services ("CMS) recently included generic versions of Oxycodone and Lyrica in its "Red Book".  The "Red Book" is the pricing source for prescription medications utilized by CMS when evaluating whether an appropriate amount has been set aside to cover future medical expenses in a settlement of a workers' compensation … Continue reading Dust off That Medicare Set-Aside Evaluation-Oxycodone and Lyrica Prices Have Dropped

CMS Sues Yet Another Attorney for Failing to Reimburse Medicare

For many of you reading this the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (“CMS”) may sometimes feel like the bane of your existence. Gone are the good old days when you could settle the claim of an older worker secure in the knowledge that future medical payments for the injuries underlying the claim would be covered by … Continue reading CMS Sues Yet Another Attorney for Failing to Reimburse Medicare

Medicare Set-Aside Facts and Fiction-Part II

Here is the second part of my article for the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal.  There are some resources at the end of the article that might be helpful if you need to contact CMS regarding any MSA issues or, as discussed in this part of the article, if you are dealing with any Medicaid lien … Continue reading Medicare Set-Aside Facts and Fiction-Part II